Why and how did we listen?
Where and when did we listen?
What did we measure?
What did we hear?
What did we learn?
Who are we?
All Sanctuaries
Channel Islands
Florida Keys
Gray’s Reef
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale
Monterey Bay
Olympic Coast
Stellwagen Bank
Example Sounds
Atlantic midshipman (Florida Keys)
Black grouper (Florida Keys)
Blue whales (Channel Islands)
Blue whales (Monterey Bay)
Blue whales (Olympic Coast)
Blue whales (Stellwagen Bank)
Bocaccio (Channel Islands)
Bocaccio (Monterey Bay)
Cod (Stellwagen Bank)
Damselfish (Papahānaumokuākea)
Dolphins (Channel Islands)
Dolphins (Florida Keys)
Dolphins (Gray's Reef)
Dolphins (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Dolphins (Monterey Bay)
Dolphins (Olympic Coast)
Dolphins (Papahānaumokuākea)
Dolphins (Stellwagen Bank)
Fin whales (Channel Islands)
Fin whales (Monterey Bay)
Fin whales (Olympic Coast)
Fin whales (Stellwagen Bank)
Fish chorus (Florida Keys)
Fish chorus (Gray's Reef)
Fish chorus (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Gray whales (Channel Islands)
Gray whales (Monterey Bay)
Gray whales (Olympic Coast)
Haddock (Stellwagen Bank)
Humpback whales (Channel Islands)
Humpback whales (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Humpback whales (Monterey Bay)
Humpback whales (Olympic Coast)
Humpback whales (Papahānaumokuākea)
Humpback whales (Stellwagen Bank)
Killer whales (Monterey Bay)
Killer whales (Olympic Coast)
Minke whales (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Minke whales (Papahānaumokuākea)
Minke whales (Stellwagen Bank)
Plainfin midshipman (Channel Islands)
Plainfin midshipman (Monterey Bay)
Red grouper (Florida Keys)
Right whales (Gray's Reef)
Right whales (Stellwagen Bank)
Sea lions (Channel Islands)
Sea lions (Monterey Bay)
Sei whales (Stellwagen Bank)
Snapping shrimp (Channel Islands)
Snapping shrimp (Florida Keys)
Snapping shrimp (Gray's Reef)
Snapping shrimp (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Snapping shrimp (Monterey Bay)
Snapping shrimp (Papahānaumokuākea)
Sperm whales (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Toadfish (Gray's Reef)
Echosounders (Channel Islands)
Echosounders (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Echosounders (Olympic Coast)
Echosounders and transducers (Monterey Bay)
Explosions (Florida Keys)
Pingers (Stellwagen Bank)
Scuba bubbles (Florida Keys)
Scuba bubbles (Gray's Reef)
Seal bombs (Channel Islands)
Seal bombs (Monterey Bay)
Seal bombs (Olympic Coast)
Sonars (Channel Islands)
Sonars (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Sonars (Monterey Bay)
Sonars (Olympic Coast)
Sonars (Papahānaumokuākea)
Vessels (Channel Islands)
Vessels (Florida Keys)
Vessels (Gray's Reef)
Vessels (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Vessels (Monterey Bay)
Vessels (Olympic Coast)
Vessels (Stellwagen Bank)
Hurricanes (Florida Keys)
Hurricanes (Gray's Reef)
Rain (Channel Islands)
Rain (Florida Keys)
Rain (Gray's Reef)
Rain (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Rain (Monterey Bay)
Rain (Olympic Coast)
Rain (Papahānaumokuākea)
Rain (Stellwagen Bank)
Wind and waves (Channel Islands)
Wind and waves (Florida Keys)
Wind and waves (Gray's Reef)
Wind and waves (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Wind and waves (Monterey Bay)
Wind and waves (Olympic Coast)
Wind and waves (Papahānaumokuākea)
Wind and waves (Stellwagen Bank)
Snapshots (Channel Islands)
Snapshots (Channel Islands)
Snapshots (Channel Islands)
Snapshots (Florida Keys)
Snapshots (Florida Keys)
Snapshots (Florida Keys)
Snapshots (Gray's Reef)
Snapshots (Gray's Reef)
Snapshots (Gray's Reef)
Snapshots (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Snapshots (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Snapshots (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Snapshots (Monterey Bay)
Snapshots (Monterey Bay)
Snapshots (Monterey Bay)
Snapshots (Olympic Coast)
Snapshots (Olympic Coast)
Snapshots (Olympic Coast)
Snapshots (Papahānaumokuākea)
Snapshots (Papahānaumokuākea)
Snapshots (Papahānaumokuākea)
Snapshots (Stellwagen Bank)
Snapshots (Stellwagen Bank)
Snapshots (Stellwagen Bank)
All Stories
Listen Up! Vessel Traffic
Listening to the (Not So) Silent World
Live for Listening
Oh Snap!
SanctSound Story Map
Training Machines to Listen
Boat Visitation (Gray's Reef)
Estimating Fishing and Diving Use (Gray's Reef)
Hum, Crackle, Knock (Florida Keys)
Listening in the Time of COVID-19 (Stellwagen Bank)
Year-Round Whale Presence (Stellwagen Bank)
Pacific Islands
Along for the Glide (Papahānaumokuākea)
Eavesdropping on Whales (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
Signals of the Sea (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale)
West Coast
One Fish, Two Fish (Channel Islands)
Understanding Noise in Monterey Bay (Monterey Bay)
United in Song (Olympic Coast)
Data Portal
Data Home
Broadband Sound Pressure Level
High Resolution Spectrogram
Octave Level
One-third Octave Level
Sound Library
Sound Propagation Modeling
Stellwagen Bank
Gray’s Reef
Florida Keys
Olympic Coast
Monterey Bay
Channel Islands
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale
| Tiles © Esri — Sources: GEBCO, NOAA, CHS, OSU, UNH, CSUMB, National Geographic, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, and Esri